HP&DH through cali's eyes
aka, cali's "xD" book. warning: extreme hyperness and craziness ahead.

chapter 1

chapter 2
  chapter 3
  chapter 4
  chapter 5

i won't even attempt to comment on this one. it was a bit overwhelming. all i'll say is: thank god hagrid's alive. george has taken on a whole new light for me. i'm so proud of ron. and moody's death didn't hit me as hard as expected-- maybe i'm just still grieving over hedwig.

chapter 6

chapter 7
  chapter 8
  chapter 9
  chapter 10
  chapter 11
  chapter 12
  chapter 13
  chapter 14

random comment: so all my friends have taken it upon themselves to leave me messages through MSN saying that harry dies in the end. lol. i know that's what i've been thinking since the fifth book, and i'm ready for it if it happens, but i won't believe them until i read it myself. haha. seriously, don't they know that when someone is "away," it's very likely that he/she doesn't want to be messaged? immature people ^^;;; it's just funny. i'm not dignifying them with an answer xD

chapter 15

oh, this chapter was fabulous! many things to comment, but i can say with absolute certainty that it's my favorite chapter so far. i'll go by parts:

THE RIFT BETWEEN THE TRIO (yes, this is the part where i rant. run away now!):

yes, i assume this is the part where everybody starts hollering that ron is such a dick and how could he do that? yes, it is. i, for one, was expecting him to react exactly this way. in fact, i thought it'd be a bit earlier-- when he got splinched and started asking harry & herm not to call voldie by his name, i thought that was it for ron, he was going to blow up. i was expecting him to, and so it hasn't changed the way i view him at all. i still love him very much. in fact, i think i would've reacted the same way. family is a huge deal to me, as it is to him, and he's worried-- he's had no news and he's never been away from them for so long. not to mention that he's really the one who's had it worse; two of his brothers have been severely hurt so far, his father's being followed, he had to deal with the guilt of that family in the ministry, he got splinched. about the food, i rather think that was big at first but not after a while. if it were me, i would've been dying of starvation a long while ago. you see, if there's one thing i'm not and will never be, is a vegetarian. i'd rather eat dirt than get by with berries and mushrooms, so they're lucky he eats anything, i would just have refused to eat point-blank. add to that the fact that harry and hermione are doing their freaky "finishing each other's sentences/communicating with their eyes" thing and he's done nothing but gotten hurt, of course he's going to feel excluded, jealous of their connection, and i bet he felt completely useless as well. what was the point of him being there at all? he was away from his family and he wasn't even helping at all. there was no point. even more so when harry's as lost as lindbergh's child, and you gotta admit, it DID seem at the end of HBP that harry sort of had an idea of what he was going to do; he was all in a hurry to start the journey by himself, after all. ron has always looked up to him... he did grow up hearing harry's name all around, and while that's not the reason he's harry's friend at all, he's bound to have some expectations, which harry cannot, and will not fill. the whole thing, then, looks dismal in his eyes, and his two friends can't see the point at all. harry thinks ron's using him as his personal newspaper and hermione can't bring herself to speak up at all. hermione starts denying she ever told him anything ill of harry, and harry starts distrusting them both, and then accuses him of being a coward? he's lucky ron just walked out on them, i would've punched his lights out. the difference is-- i would've stayed away out of sheer pride; ron will come back.

i think this whole rift had to happen, and it's been coming for a long while. the trio had problems all through HBP, and they've had fights in the past, and they've given each other the silent treatment, but that's not enough. the problems are never really solved because they don't talk about it. they patch things up, but it's just that-- a patch. underneath the thin scrap of fabric there's still a hole and if they don't talk about it, it'll never be completely mended. hermione's protego spell separating them was more significant than it seemed, it was a huge deal-- a physical representation of the fact that there are barriers between them, as much as they love each other there are barriers, and they have to deal with them now, rather than wait until it's too late. i think this might be the start of that, or at least i'm hoping it will be.

so was ron wrong? yeah, he was. at the moment the wizarding world comes first. was that the worst moment ever for him to explode? probably. does that make him an awful person? not at all. i've been saying this since PoA, that ron is the primary representation of a true human character in these books. harry's the reluctant hero, a fixture in literature without a doubt, as dark and brooding as he is, and as normal as he believes he is, the fate of the world is on his shoulders and he won't think for one second of ditching that fate, not with all that's riding on his killing voldemort. as long as he moves forward with his mission, it doesn't matter if he messes up because the greater good must be accomplished. laudable way to act, but highly idealistic. most people in this world aren't like that, and it doesn't make us awful. i know that i would never understand what goes through his mind sometimes, i couldn't ever be the hero, i don't think, at least not in a conscious fashion. and speaking of unreal, hermione's so great at times, that she's almost like a cartoon. hadn't mrs. jo said she'd come up with that name because not many people had it, and then little girls wouldn't be teased at school if they had the same name as her? ron, on the other hand, exemplifies the kind of people that are led by their hearts. ron is pure feeling, he is. and if he's not feeling good about something, why not be vocal about it? it's the way he feels, it should be out in the open. just because the other two can put away their feelings and focus on their homework so easily does not mean everything else is unimportant, and ron's leaving serves to remind us of that.

sucks for poor hermione, though. she really believed they were getting somewhere.

i love him very much. and he'll think about what happened, and he'll be back. if he doesn't, it's most likely because he'll die. which he won't. i'm in denial. ron's not dying in this book, because i say so. period. she wouldn't do that to me. now, onto chapter 16.

chapter 16

chapter 17
  chapter 18

oh, another one of those "informative" chapters that i love! i really guess there's nothing much to say about this chapter other than get to the dumbledore thing.

chapter 19

INSERT SECOND RON RANT OF THE WEEK HERE: okay, when i read the title of the chapter and looked at the chapter image i was mentally preparing for a sapfest. and that's partly what it was at the beginning, kinda cheesy, with harry following the doe and all the introspection of it and the cliche of the sword being in the pool (arthurian legend much?) but now... oh, i'm just so insanely happy that i could care less. you know how i highlight the passages that i like most in my book? i might as well just highlight the whole chapter.

OMG RON IS BACK!! *does happy dance* my hands are shaking. i was covering my mouth all through the horcrux scene, and my mom came in to tell me something about the yankees game that's on and i totally ignored her. and then she was all like "are you crying?!" and i wasn't, not at the time, though i am now. i'm just so happy, it's crazy! so happy, i didn't even wait to finish the chapter to go out and SCREAM, but i did, in fact, stand up at several points in the chapter (which i never do because i always read the chapter through before i allow myself to react) and dance, cheer, kick and generally be crazy before remembering i wasn't done and running to continue reading. i went outside and hugged my mom AND my brother, they kept asking who died and i kept grinning like mad, telling them everything was a-ok.

oh my god, not only is my ron back, but he destroyed the horcrux! oh, this is better than when he won the quidditch cup, so much better!! and oh, how the soul jumped at him, playing out on all his insecurities, yet he still managed to get over himself, fight his fears and destroy the thing... OMG that was just perfect. you have no idea how elated i am right now, it's a good thing i'm typing this because i really can't speak at the moment. i cried-- REALLY cried, this time around-- when ron stabbed the locket, and it was a good thing by then i'd managed to go back to my room and keep on reading, so nobody saw me (and i'll deny it fervently if anyone asks, BTW xD) i was so excited that i gave in to temptation and just called my best friend to squee out loud to someone who actually understands what i'm going through-- she's still on chapter 10, and she made me tell her just EVERYTHING that's been happening, and i really feel as agitated as if i'd just run a marathon.

and the thought will be forever etched in my mind-- "only a true gryffindor could have pulled that..."-- because RON IS A TRUE GRYFFINDOR! A PROUD SON OF GODRIC! A HERO IN HIS OWN RIGHT! (oh, i have to make myself an icon of ron and that quote...) and it was wonderful of harry to let him know that, that it was his moment now, that he was the one who had to do this, it wasn't harry, it was ron. man, please let ron's character poster for the seventh movie be holding gryffindor's sword? pretty please? *puppy eyes* oh, SOMEONE PLEASE JUST DRAW FANART OF THAT SCENE RIGHT NOW!! i would if i could draw anything other than crooked stick figures... this was just too bloody wonderful. thank you, mrs. jo, thank you!! *kneels and bows in respect* forget chapter 15, this one totally blew the top of my head off! *vvvbg*

chapter 20
  chapter 21
  chapter 22
  chapter 23

oh man. oh MAN! this chapter seemed inordinately long to me. or maybe it was just that so much stuff happened, and i read it so fast... i found myself having to read back a couple of times, because i'd skipped something important, but i couldn't help it. there was just so much going on! all in all, an excelent chapter.

chapter 24

haha, my best friend just called me to let me know how she's doing. she hasn't read much new stuff (finals, as i said before), but now she's properly informed of dobby's death, and wormtail's death. she said she had to go back and re-read moody's death because she hadn't caught it the first time 'round. she's more broken up about hedwig, to be honest, though dobby hit her hard. haha. we were discussing the second chapter, and just how was it that snape knew when harry was going to be moved. in the book it's all been left behind, but it's ever-present in my mind, that there can easily be a traitor still among the order...

chapter 25
  chapter 26
  chapter 27
  chapter 28
  chapter 29
  chapter 30
  chapter 31

weird note. i haven't finished reading the chapter yet, i'm halfway through but... IS HARRY STUPID?? GOSH, if he doesn't have ron and hermione near him he falls to pieces!! WTF?? your mind can fly off to the himalayas when it's about the hallows, but you can't freakin' remember the place where voldemort already ALMOST KILLED YOU FIVE YEARS AGO???? DAMMIT, someone kill me now. i can't stand the idiocy. i just went out and screamed my irritation with harry to my mom and brother... my mom laughed... my brother yelled at me to get out and not tell him anything of the ending... i even just sent my best friend a very irritated text message. but FREAKIN' HELL, how can i stay STILL when he's being this THICK? where's the unbelievable memory when he most needs it?? it's painful just to go back and read now if he's going to just wander 'round the castle all wide-eyed like a MORON... *gives ol' scarhead potty a good kick in the behind*

a while later, after having actually finished the chapter...

chapter 32

some of you might remember how in my review for HBP i believed the subtitle for that book should be "oh my gaaaawwwwwdddddd" because that's the reaction i had all through it? well, this was definitely the "oh my gaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwddddddddddd" chapter in the book for me. pardon my language, but HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT. those are the three words that are circling my head right now. i'll have to wait a while before actually writing anything that makes sense...

okay, so now that i've sent a text message to my friend and have been spinning in my chair for a few minutes, i think i'm good to go.

chapter 33

okay, if chapter 32 was the "OMG" chapter, this one was definitely the "I KNEW IT!" chapter. for all the excitement the last time 'round, i read this one through, eerily calm and collected. no screams, no squees-- well, almost. at some points i couldn't stop myself ^^;;;

chapter 34

well, there you go. i was a little disappointed that his last thoughts ("inexplicably"-- what a strange adjective to add there, really) were of ginny, as you can imagine-- but bah. i was mentally prepared for this. no tears in my horizon. NEXT!

chapter 35

chapter 36

ah, we're back to the action. me likes.


okay, we all knew that harry would name his kids james and lily, right? *yet again, the chorus of aye's*

that was good. felt a bit fanfiction-like, but ron made it all up to me xD the kids are the cutest thing ever-- i rather liked james the best. but then again, i always rather liked james potter the first, and little james reminds me a lot of him. i'm glad that harry gets a family, the one he's always wanted, at last. even if it IS with ginny. *shudders, then shrugs* i almost gagged at albus' middle name, though. i don't think i can get over my resentment of snape, no matter what happened in the end. so who was teddy lupin supposed to have lived with? should i assume harry and his family until he was of age? and i am insanely curious as to who the hell married draco. pansy parkinson, perhaps, if the bitch wasn't trampled over by a giant while she was leaving hogwarts? and gosh, scorpius? poor kid. must every malfoy heir have a horrid latin name? other than that, it was a perfectly fine ending.

personal conclusions

this review has ended.