"Hey, Foxy! How long do we have to wait till we get there?" Megumi rolled her eyes, "Long enough for me to see you faint in your seat, I hope, chicken-head." Yahiko chortled when he saw Sano whiten. "I don't think it's gonna be a long wait, Megumi!" Megumi grinned at Sano mischievously. "You have a point there, Yahiko. I have never seen a guy go through so many, er, color variations in the space of a few minutes. Interesting." She cocked an eyebrow at Sano as she inched closer to where he sat, letting her hand slide tantalizingly down his taut arm. "What's next, I wonder?" she murmured breathily. Sano's complexion immediately moved a few degrees up the color spectrum. Yahiko laughed, "Oh man... Sano's blushing!" Megumi moved back, a smug smile curving her lips, "I thought so..." "I swear, Megumi..." Sano muttered. At that moment, the train chose to give a timely and rather unfortunate lurch coupled with a piercingly loud shriek for good measure. The effect was electric. Sano winced, "Hell..." "Sano, are you gonna get sick?" Yahiko asked mock-seriously. "You look so-- green." Megumi winked at Yahiko over the top of Sano's bent head, "Well then..." She tightened her grip on Sano's arm. "Let Dr. Megumi treat you, huh?" she whispered as she sidled close to his side. "Uh..." Sano said in a strangled voice, "I'd rather not..." By then, Yahiko was doubling over in laughter, "Sano, you look like a rainbow...!" "Very colorful..." Megumi commented, smiling widely, "Oh my, Sano. Red, green, pasty white...make up your mind." She flipped her hair over her shoulder in what she hoped was a suggestive gesture. "Red is winning," Yahiko chuckled. "Duck, Megumi...He's gonna explode." "You guys!" Sano shouted. The door to their compartment slid open suddenly. "Tsk, tsk... Picking on Sano again?" Kaoru asked teasingly as she walked inside, Kenshin shuffling along right behind her, carrying a couple of bags. "You can say that," Megumi murmured. "His train complex is acting up again." Kaoru grinned, "Oh yeah. I was expecting this. He hasn't curled up in a ball yet, right?" "Well..." Megumi began as she leaned over Sano who promptly scooted away from her. "Not yet, unfortunately." She squinted at Sano, "He must still be in the early stages..." Kaoru sat on Sano's other side. "Hmm... That means he hasn't started screaming yet, huh?" "Or scratched his--" "Yahiko!" Sano growled. Yahiko smiled at him innocently, "I was gonna say 'head.' "Nope. 'Fraid not," Megumi shook her head solemnly. "But he does look awfully--upset. Do you think we should, er, restrain him? Just in case." "Too early to tell," Kaoru responded. She gently patted Sano's head. "I think we could take his hair as a general standard of measurement, Takani-sensei." Megumi's eyes brightened, "Ah yes, you're absolutely right, Kamiya-sensei. It's still kinda stiff now, ne?" "Yep," Kaoru nodded. She poked a little harder as Sano tried to wrench his head away from her seeking fingers. "When it starts to, uh, deflate, we can safely assume that Sagara-sama is in dire need of treatment and we can thus take the appropriate measures to--help him in his time of need." Megumi smiled wickedly, "I give it ten minutes." "Counting," Kaoru said, laughter choking her voice. Sano glared at them furiously, "Look. I'm glad that you're so AMUSED, guys, but this is hardly the time to make fun of--Yahiko! Can't you gimme a break?" And his voice promptly broke on the last word. "Oh dear," Megumi murmured. "He's getting worse." "He's acting up," Kaoru agreed. "Hysteria is one of the most telling symptoms of, er, fear of moving objects..." "I am not afraid!" Sano snapped. "...along with a severe case of denial," Megumi continued without a break. "Damn it, Fox!" "And hallucinations of course," she said, winking at the giggling Kaoru. "Involving animals, in most cases." "When I get my hands on you, I swear you're gonna regret this...!" Kenshin decided that the situation was getting too, er, volatile for his taste. "Now, Sano... Megumi- dono was just joking..." "Sure I was," Megumi said perkily as she abruptly flounced out of her seat so that it rocked rather uncomfortably. Sano muttered a curse. "Uh, minna, I think we'd better give Sano some space to rest," Kenshin said calmly. "He must be rather scared and his hands are shaking and..." "Kenshin..." Sano growled. Kenshin blinked at him, "Nani?" He sat on the place which Megumi vacated with a hard swoosh. Sano yelped. "Sano, Sano," he murmured. "Repeat after me..." "Excuse me?" "You have to meditate. You know, get your mind off stuff..." Kenshin nudged him and closed his eyes, "Now say, "The train is not gonna hurt me" ten times and..." "I'll kill you all!" Sano screamed. Kenshin opened one eye and regarded him reproachfully, "Gently, Sano, gently..." Kaoru laughed and shook her head. She turned to Megumi, "Who's gonna meet us at the station?" Megumi shrugged, "The caretaker of the place, I guess. But only to open doors for us, give instructions, etc. Shizuku-san said that we'll have the place to ourselves for the entire week." "I hope they left a cook for us," Yahiko muttered. "Can't have Kaoru loose in the kitchen. I'll evacuate if that happens." Kaoru glared at him, "What was that?" "Uh, Megumi-dono, where exactly is this place?" Kenshin cut in hurriedly, trying to avert a possible brawl which could turn ugly in so constricted a space. Besides, Sano will probably lose it if that happened. "It's not that remote," Megumi answered. "The town is just a fifteen-minute walk away and the roads are good. Lots of mountain springs nearby and the scenery is beautiful, or so I've been told." Kenshin smiled at her, "Your patient must really be thankful, huh? I mean to offer the place and all... And to pay for our trip, besides." "Yeah, I guess," Megumi smiled reminiscently. "You must have saved him from a fate worse than death, then," Yahiko observed. Sano snorted, "I'll bet." Megumi's smile widened, "Let's just say that I restored something very--important to him. And quite nicely too, modesty aside." Yahiko whistled. "Oh boy. If something like that happened to me... I'll give you ten houses, tax-free." "Yahiko!" Kaoru snapped at him, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Humph," Sano turned his nose up. "I'll never entrust something like *that* to Fox at all. The guy must be crazy." Megumi clenched her teeth, "Well, I wouldn't touch yours with a mile-long rod, anyway! Heaven help me if I get to even an inch of it..." "Uh...Megumi-dono," Kenshin interrupted, his hands raised in a conciliatory gesture. "We're venturing on, er, unsafe territory here." "Damn right we are!" Sano bit out and promptly doubled over when Kaoru rammed her elbow back on his ribs. "Hey!" "Shut up," she growled. A change of topic was clearly in order. "I'm sure we'll have a great vacation!" Kenshin said cheerfully. Everyone sweatdropped. "A boring vacation," Yahiko cut in. "I mean that I should be stuck with such old nitwits..." "Someone is getting a bit too arrogant for comfort here, ne, Yahiko-chan?" Megumi glared at him. "After all, a ten year-old is hardly qualified to pass judgments regarding stupidity and--other facts of life, ne?" "Bah!" Yahiko snorted. "Unless the house where we're staying is a haunted house..." He shook his head and slumped down on his seat. "Yeah, right, and Sano committed suicide lying down on railroad tracks in his past life..." Kaoru winced at him, "Really, Yahiko... Haunted houses indeed! The second assertion was far more believable." She winked at Megumi, "Sano is frightening enough for us, ne?" "I resent that," Sano muttered. Kenshin shook his head, smiling, "I'm afraid Kaoru-dono's right, Yahiko. The only ghosts that I know of are those we create." He glanced outside at the passing scenery, feeling the wind sweep against his face in a welcoming gust. "And fear, of course. But ghosts can never be stronger than us," he continued, his voice dropping to a reflective murmur. He glanced at the now-silent group, his violet eyes suddenly somber. "Because if that should happen, then they become real." The Road Less Traveled by Tin Mandigma -------------------------------------- This is a Rurouni Kenshin-inspired fanfic written entirely for entertainment purposes only. Standard disclaimers apply. ------------------------------------- 1: First Stirrings Megumi watched the afternoon sun set in a blaze of golden glory, reaching out with its last fingers of light to illuminate the entire valley in a splendid rush of color, before retreating slowly into the bosom of the nearby mountains. Almost immediately, the breeze responded to the onslaught of twilight with a distinct chill in the air. Refreshing yes, but biting still. Megumi shivered involuntarily as she leaned against the window, drawing her blanket tightly around her. She loved the coming of evenings here. It was so peaceful, so gentle, so beautiful. Like perpetual dawn caught in the grasp of silken night. Megumi's lips twitched. Gods, she was beginning to sound--poetic. Almost but not quite. Bad sign. Her surroundings were dangerous. Corrosive. In the space of a few days, she could practically feel the chinks in her armor. And they were sure as hell showing. She remembered Sano's expression when she had so graciously offered to do his chores while he took a much-needed dip in the nearby river. He was so surprised he actually forgot to call her Fox. Ah, the dreaded nickname. Her smile assumed a bitter cast. So a dose of good ol' kindness and smiling sweetness was just the combination to shock him into acting like a human being around her, huh? Very interesting. But it wasn't such a bad thing, after all, she reflected. They all needed this respite, to get their acts together after the Kyoto episode. She shivered again and this time, it was not from the cold. Kyoto had been horror, fear, torture, denial, anguish all rolled into one. And self-examination, too. Of course. The gods know just how much reevaluation her values and beliefs and feelings have been forced to undergo these past few weeks. She had changed. All of them had, in one way or another. Too many cracks have shown, vulnerabilities, unexpected weaknesses. And now, she frowned, the question they all seemed to be facing was one of choice--repair or renewal. To heal or to create. Or both. Whatever. Hell, she was beginning to get confused again. This vacation was indeed a blessing. She thanked the gods for sending Shizuku and his, she smiled, delicate problem along her way. They certainly needed the break. This chance. "Oi, Megumi..." The soft whisper made her start. Megumi turned abruptly and saw Kaoru bending over her smiling gently, her blue eyes questioning and just a bit worried. Oh yes. They needed this. Kaoru and Kenshin, especially. She had long since acknowledged that her feelings for Kenshin would never, and in fact have never, gone beyond the limits set by friendship. And warm gratitude. She knew deep inside that Kaoru realized this, too, and she was glad. She had grown to love the girl as a sister and she knew better than most just how much petty misunderstandings could ruin even the strongest and most durable of friendships. And she and Kaoru still had a long way to go. "Hey," she murmured. "What's up?" Kaoru laughed, "I should be asking you that. You have been staring outside so long, I was beginning to wonder if you're hiding things from us." Megumi stretched, "Like what?" "Oh, I don't know," Kaoru said as she sat down in front her. "Naked men in the dark, probably." Megumi slapped her playfully on the arm, "Naked men, huh? Ken-san will be horrified if he knew just how much your imagination grows by leaps and bounds by simply staring out of a window." Kaoru grinned at her, "Oh, I don't know. I'll bet his imagination is even more active than that... I mean, just by saying "Oro" you could--" "Kaoru!" Megumi shook her head mock-sternly. "How very improper...! I'm shocked! Scandalized!" Kaoru smirked at her, "Hypocrite." Megumi smirked back, "Now who's talking?" Kaoru settled down more comfortably, "Whatever." "Where are the men?" Megumi asked. "Standing guard? Fetching our bath water? Washing our clothes? Cleaning the house?" "Nope." Kaoru chuckled. "Cooking dinner." "Seriously?" Megumi laughed. "We should get down, then... Ken-san cooks real fast." "I think we should be more worried about them eating fast," Kaoru said. "I overheard Sano telling Yahiko that rice are just like women." Megumi raised an eyebrow, "What?!" "They have this way of calling out to you," Kaoru chortled. "And you just can't resist." "I don't believe it..." Megumi shook her head. "Sano is seduced by--rice?!" "You said it," Kaoru laughed. "Gods, Megumi, you have tough competition." Megumi grimaced, "As if I care." She ignored Kaoru's sly nudge. "Who wants a guy who's obssessed with rice, anyway?" Kaoru leaned back, still smiling, "OK. I won't push." She looked out at the still twilight. "It sure gets dark early here, doesn't it?" Megumi made a murmur of agreement. "But it's so beautiful...And the house is absolutely perfect," she sighed dreamily. "It must be hundreds of years old." She ran her hands gently down the wood panelling, which glinted in polished tones in the flickering firelight. "Not really," Megumi answered. "According to the caretaker, the house itself isn't that old. The grounds have belonged to Shizuku-san's family since the fifteenth century, yes, but the house was built only around a century ago." She adjusted her blanket around her. "The original family mansion burned down at around that time, I think." Kaoru shuddered, "Horrible." She gently eased her knees up to her chest and laid her cheek thoughtfully on top. "Yes," Megumi said softly. "I don't know the whole story. Shizuku-san never mentioned it to me and the caretaker didn't know that much, either." They fell silent after that. Megumi closed her eyes, listening to the hum of crickets outside in the gardens. The fragrant scent of the spring flowers drifted inside the room, blown along by the evening breeze. "I like this room the best," Kaoru whispered. Megumi started, "Hmm?" "I said that I like this room the best," Kaoru repeated as she rubbed her cheek against the sleeve of her kimono. "I don't know why. I guess it's because it faces the mountains and you could see the sun rise from here..." Another gust of wind blew in. Almost as if they were swayed along by its sudden movement, the shadows seemed to darken ominously as the light flickered. Megumi shivered, wondering at the sudden cold--draft, actually--which pervaded the room. She glanced at Kaoru but the girl did not seem to notice the chill. And she was not wearing an evening jacket. "Kaoru?" Kaoru stirred. "Yes?" "Would you like to go down now?" "Hmm? Why?" Megumi's teeth were chattering, "It's terribly cold. You might catch something." She stood up abruptly and held out a hand to the other girl. "Come on." Kaoru looked up at her, surprised. "But I don't feel anything, Megumi." "What?" Megumi stared at her. She could practically feel the goosebumps prickling her skin. "It's freezing!" Kaoru frowned, "Maybe *you* caught something, Megumi." She swung her legs down the floor as she reached out for her friend's hand. "Ara," she murmured as she put an arm around Megumi's shaking shoulders, "You *are* cold. You're right. We should go down. I left some hot tea brewing in the kitchen." She gently propelled the other girl out to the door. "But I'm feeling well, really, " Megumi protested. "It's just the cold..." She looked back at the dark room and felt something gnawing at her insides--fear? She dismissed it hastily. Don't be silly, Megumi, she scolded herself even as she wondered where that particular bit of feeling came from. Kaoru was watching her in concern and she forced a smile on her lips, "Yes. I just need something hot..." A gasp escaped her throat when she saw something reach out towards Kaoru. It wasn't a tangible entity. More like a shadow... But what?! She took a startled Kaoru by the arm, pushed her out to the hallway, before rushing back to the window and looking outside. The yard was empty. No one was there. Megumi swallowed nervously. She could have sworn that the air actually got--heavier in the few moments that she and Kaoru had been sitting here. And the dark, which had seemed so inviting, now breathed of something ominous. Threatening. "Megumi?" Kaoru's voice shook her out of her reverie. Damn. She was being paranoid now. What next? Megumi shook her head and closed the windows hurriedly before kneeling down to snuff the light out from the gas lamp. As the light finally faded from the room, Megumi wondered just what it was which disturbed the cool tranquillity of the evening. Because something did. She was sure of that. Dinner was an uneventful affair. Sano and Yahiko fought over food. Kenshin, as usual, was caught in the middle of flying fish bones and frisbees posing as soup bowls. Yahiko made some crack about Kaoru's tea tasting like spoiled fish. A general ducking under the table followed that remark. Yahiko volunteered to wash the dishes. Well, actually, Kaoru pushed and prodded and whacked him into 'volunteering.' They had all agreed to an early night, since they had made plans to trek to the nearby hills for the next day. Megumi yawned as she shuffled along the hallway to her room, the memories of the early evening's events fleeing from her mind with the advent of drowsiness. She probably imagined it all... Megumi reached out to slide her door open when a large hand suddenly covered her own. Terror immediately shot through her and she remembered the shadows...the cold... Oh gods. Megumi uttered a muffled scream and instinctively kicked at the direction of the intruder. "Ouch! What the hell...?!" Megumi squinted in the darkness, "Sano?" "Yeah," he answered, his voice coming out in a groan. "Ouch... Gods..." Megumi sighed in relief, "It's you." "Who did you expect?" Sano muttered as he limped towards her, his hands covering a very--sensitive place in a painfully obvious manner. Megumi fought the urge to burst out in laughter. Sano's pride was hurt enough as it is... Sano was hurt. Period. "Well, you really shouldn't go sneaking around people like that," Megumi retorted. "What are you doing here, anyway?" Sano muttered a reply. "What was that?" Megumi asked. "I didn't hear." "I said, are you all right?!" Sano snapped. Megumi frowned slightly, "Of course I am. Why shouldn't I be?" "Jo-chan said something about your feeling, uh, cold this evening," Sano said roughly. Megumi stared up at him wide-eyed, "I--Yeah, I was---but I'm feeling OK now..." She felt herself blushing. Kami-sama. Sano coughed, "Uh, yeah... I'm glad... I mean I hope you're not sick or anything..." She saw him avert his profile and wondered if he was blushing, too. Stop it, Megumi. "I'm OK," she said in what she hoped was a calm enough voice. "Really." She softened her voice, "Thanks for asking, anyway." "Sure," Sano whispered back. He suddenly seemed so close in the dark. "Sleep tight, Fox." Megumi shook her head, "You too, chicken-head," she murmured. Before he turned away, Megumi could have sworn that he winked at her. Still, her imagination was playing so many tricks with her today, she couldn't be sure. But that didn't stop her from hoping. Megumi wasn't sure what woke her. The room was absolutely still and even the wind had abated. She blinked blearily at the ceiling before rolling over to bury her face on her pillow. She had drifted into a restless half-sleep when she heard it again. Someone was calling. Megumi sat up quickly, gripping her bed clothes tightly. What the hell--? She strained her ears to listen... "Misa... Misa..." the voice called out mournfully, longingly, gently. "Misa..." Misa? Megumi waited breathlessly as the voice finally faded into the distance. When she didn't hear anything again, she slid out of her futon and padded over to her open window. She peered out but again, she saw nothing in the darkness. Frowning, Megumi her way back to bed. As she tucked the covers more securely around her shoulders, she wondered who could be wandering in the roads at this hour. Probably someone looking for his pet. That voice was definitely male. She should ask the caretaker about it. As sleep finally claimed her, Megumi's last thought was: 'Misa? What an odd name for a cat...' End of Part 1