The Road Less Traveled by Tin Mandigma ---------------------------------- This is a Rurouni Kenshin-inspired fanfic written entirely for entertainment purposes only. Standard disclaimers apply. ----------------------------------- 2: Next Beat The next day dawned bright and sunny. Megumi stretched her arms with a lazy yawn before collapsing contentedly on her futon. The early morning light poured in bursts through her open window and crept more stealthily through the slats in the wall. She was still feeling a little sleepy but the morning was too glorious to spend in bed. Besides, she could already hear Sano and Yahiko in the courtyard arguing in their usual vocal--perfection. Ahh... The day was inviting indeed. As she dressed, Megumi thought briefly about the voice she heard last night. "I hope the guy found his pet," she muttered as she smoothed the sleeves of her kimono. "Can't have him running through the streets at dawn..." Her lips twisted wryly as she remembered the rather--strange events last night, Sano's surprise visit included. Everything probably happened by fluke, no two ways about it. But still... Megumi shook her head to clear it from the ridiculous and quite *useless* thoughts which were beginning to flood her imagination. She still remembered the tremendous cold which engulfed her last night and it wasn't a pleasant memory. And when those shadows had started crawling...Bah. Megumi pushed her hair back with impatient fingers. Better forget all about that night. She chalked it up to the combined effect of sunset and sake mixed with a healthy dose of nostalgia. She really should dust up her reality 'checks.' They were getting too rusty for comfort. Right, Megumi, my girl. That night is best relegated to the dustbin of thy memory. Zip. Kaput. 'Everything about that night?' a sly voice inside her whispered. A memory of Sano came to her mind. "Oh yeah. *Everything*," she muttered. "Especially that." Of course that last part would have sounded more convincing if it had been a tad less wistful, ne? Megumi found Kaoru already seated in the dining room, sipping a cup of tea. She smiled widely when she saw the basket of eggs along with a steaming bowl of rice set carefully on the polished table. "Ohayo," she said cheerfully as she took a seat beside Kaoru. "The food looks great!" The other girl smiled at her. "Yeah. The guys prepared breakfast." Megumi put a hand over her heart. "Pardon me while I faint." Kaoru shook her head, still smiling faintly. "I'm serious. When I woke up, everything was ready. I nearly fainted, too, but I don't think the men of the house would have appreciated that reaction." Megumi grinned as she carefully poured a cup of tea. "Actions speak louder than words," she deadpanned. Kaoru made a face. "In this case, I think that subtlety will be wasted," she said wryly. "Oh, by the way, Sano cooked the rice." Megumi choked. "Kami-sama...what an--impressive achievement. The call of the rice must have been, uh, too strong to be ignored." "Seduction at its finest," Kaoru quipped. Megumi eyed her mock-sternly. "Girl, your vocabulary seems to have undergone a rather drastic change since we went to this place. Do you just like to shock me or is this practice for Ken-san?" Kaoru wriggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Both." Megumi shook her head, trying hard not to laugh as she sipped her tea. She and Kaoru sat for a while in companionable silence which was broken only by Megumi's query: "By the way, where are the others?" "They went for a walk," Kaoru answered. "Exercise, Sano called it." She pulled a wry face. "Funny but I never took him to be a health freak." She sighed. "Kenshin, too." "I'm beginning to feel guilty," Megumi muttered even as she heaped a generous helping of rice on her bowl. She peered at it anxiously before taking a bite. It looked normal. Not toxic. Not Sano. "Don't I know it, " Kaoru responded. "You weren't here this morning when I went down and they were all geared up. I felt so out of place. I hadn't washed my face then!" She laughed lightly, "That'll teach me to sleep late next time..." Megumi looked at her sharply. "I thought you felt awfully sleepy last night. You were the first one who went to bed, remember?" Kaoru avoided her gaze. "Uh, yeah, and I fell asleep at once, really..." Megumi studied Kaoru closely, noting the other's unusually pale cheeks and the barely discernible shadows under the bright blue eyes. "And..." she prodded. Kaoru fiddled with her tea cup restlessly. "And something woke me... I guess..." Megumi felt a faint stirring of trepidation. She shook it off impatiently. "What?" "I don't know," Kaoru frowned. "Someone calling... Just my imagination, probably," she said with a shrug. "But I wasn't able to sleep afterwards. Not surprising since it was nearly dawn and all..." She glanced at Megumi, "Why? Did you hear it, too?" "Uh..." Megumi hesitated and then nodded abruptly. "Yes," she answered. "I did." If Kaoru noticed her momentary hesitation, she gave no sign. "It was really weird, wasn't it?" A distant look passed over her face. "More like a plea than a call...It sounded so sad..." Megumi cleared her throat. "I thought that it actually sounded like someone was calling for his pet," she said carefully, studying Kaoru's abstracted expression. "Yeah," Kaoru responded almost absent-mindedly. And then, as quickly as it came, the blank look faded from her face. She smiled at Megumi. "My imagination must've been working overtime again, huh?" Megumi forced herself to smile back, "You said it." She sipped her tea again, noting morosely that it was lukewarm. So Kaoru heard the 'call,' too. And she thought it was 'weird.' That was certainly true. But what troubled Megumi was that Kaoru even heard it at all. Her room was at the back of the house, facing a small patch of garden bordered by a high stone wall. There was no way that the guy or whoever he was could've sneaked in *and* called out while standing practically under Kaoru's window without going through the main room of the house first and waking Kenshin or Sano who slept in the ground-floor rooms in the process. She pondered dubiously that Sano could sleep through a hundred years' worth of New Year celebrations if he had to but Kenshin was certainly not a light sleeper. He would've known and the entire household would've been alerted and... Damn. Megumi noticed that she was clutching her cup so tightly her knuckles were turning white. She put the cup down quickly as she took a couple of deep breaths, forcing herself to relax. Takani Megumi, zero. Paranoia, infinity. Megumi glanced at Kaoru who was was still sipping her tea happily, oblivious of Megumi's scrutiny. She looked--normal, anyway. There was nothing there to merit worry in the first place, Megumi told herself fiercely as she began to nibble on her rice cake. She should concentrate on more pertinent matters like their upcoming hike, the trip to the market, swimming in the river... Mundane, yes, but definitely less taxing on one's brain cells. She hoped. She looked up as Kenshin, Sano, and Yahiko came in, laughing and talking boisterously. Their faces and clothes were damp from sweat. That must have been quite an exercise, Megumi thought appreciatively as she eyed a disheveled Kenshin with his gi half-open to the waist. She felt rather than saw Kaoru blush beside her and she nudged the girl slyly, throwing a teasing smile in her direction. "Hey, Fox," a raspy voice muttered in her ear. Megumi turned to see Sano sitting down beside her and she felt her mouth go dry. He was bare-chested, glistening with sweat and early-morning sun, and he had removed his headband so that his hair fell rakishly on his eyes in silky black waves. He grinned at her and Megumi jolted in her seat, her hands shaking slightly. To 'plagiarize' Ken-san...Ororororooo.... "Did you sleep well?" Sano asked her, his brown eyes fixed steadily on her face, still smiling slightly. And smugly, too. He must've caught her drooling. The jerk. Megumi could sense the others watching them with studied casually interested glances, the effect of which was ruined by the presence of not-so-casual smiles plastered on their faces. A sarcastic retort hovered on her lips when she suddenly realized that she didn't want to be so predictable, after all. Especially when Sano--a half-naked Sano at that--was doing the baiting. Besides, she had promised herself that she would concentrate on more 'mundane' matters, right? Megumi smiled back at Sano, her own eyes gleaming. "Yeah," she purred. "I did...And you?" she inquired lazily, lifting an eyebrow at what she estimated to be exactly the right height. She watched bemusedly as Sano's grin widened even further. "Sure," he murmured, his eyes never leaving hers. "I had the sweetest dreams." Oh yes. This certainly qualified as mundane. And more pleasurable, too, Megumi thought amusedly. Definitely. She should have known it wouldn't last. They were back to their 'standard' fare by midday. Megumi grumbled under her breath as she stumbled after the rest of the group. She wiped off the beads of sweat which clung tenaciously to her forehead with a clammy hand. It was *hot* She felt sticky, uncomfortable, and she was beginning to see a spring in every corner of the forest. And Sano wasn't helping matters. He and Kenshin looked rested and unfairly cool as if they haven't spent the morning trudging in the forests in what Megumi privately thought was a *very* rushed pace. They probably never even broke a sweat. But she and Kaoru and Yahiko... well, Kaoru was holding her own, Megumi thought grudgingly. Not a single complaint. Of course, the fact that Kenshin was always by her side, both of them talking in quiet murmurs, smiling constantly at each other, her hand securely clasped in his... Kenshin was the sweetest, the kindest, the most perfect man in the entire world. He was obviously way up front when good looks, talent and personality were given out but it wasn't his fault that other members of his sex--Megumi glared at Sano's broad back balefully-- had absolutely nothing to offer in those areas at all. "Come on, Fox, hurry up!" Sano barked at her. Megumi decided then that she had had enough. "Look, chicken-head," she snapped back. "You could go speeding to Hokkaido for all I care but I'm--" and here she flung her rucksack to the ground, "--am tired!" She knew that she was being childish but she really didn't care. She was hot, exhausted and, most of all, disillusioned that her cherished hiking trip was turning out to be Sano's version of military boot camp. "So there," she growled. "Oh yeah?" Sano challenged her angrily. "Yeah!" she all but screamed. Kenshin glanced at Kaoru worriedly and then turned to the warring couple who stood facing each other with arms akimbo. "Uh guys..." He stopped when Kaoru tugged gently at his sleeve. "It's OK," she murmured. "Let them be. I think they're both tired. They just needed the excuse to rest." They watched as Megumi and Sano finally broke their staring contest and slunk toward opposite directions. Kenshin grinned wryly. Was it just his imagination or were those two fighting more than 'usual?' Or should he have said sweeter on each other than usual? He shook his head slightly. Sano and Megumi were both always on two exteme if not perpetually opposing points. But there was a definite spark, he reflected. He wondered if... He heard Kaoru take a trembling sigh beside him. He looked down at her quickly, alarmed, and was relieved when she smiled up at him. But she was pale. "You're tired, too," he said softly. He had noticed that she was preoccupied that morning and she had also been unusually subdued throughout their walk. He had said nothing about it, biding his time, and she didn't really act like anything was wrong. But he had this feeling... He was only slightly surprised when he saw her hesitate before shaking her head. Something *was* troubling her. He stared at her, his look gently questioning. She opened her mouth, about to speak, when Yahiko and Ichiro, the caretaker of the house and their self-appointed guide for the day, burst through the trees. "What the heck are you guys doing?" Yahiko shouted in exasperation. "We've been waiting for you for the gods know how long..." "What do you think?" Kaoru shot back. "They were probably tired, " Ichiro said softly to Yahiko. Yahiko grinned. "Hah. Yeah. I should have remembered that I was traveling with old guys and Kaoru's positively ancient... She probably fainted or somethin'..." "Excuse me?" Kaoru asked with an outraged snort. Kenshin sighed. "Minna..." Megumi pushed her hair back from her eyes, trying to stave off the sudden feeling of nausea which assailed her. Probably hunger, she deduced. It was way beyond lunchtime. She ignored Sano who was muttering something about bossy women with health problems. Was he still at it?! She swept her gaze over at Kenshin, Kaoru and Yahiko, the latter finally lasping into grumpy silence after a particularly heated retort from Kaoru. Megumi watched as Kaoru collapsed on the ground, hugging her bag to her chest. *She* looked way too pale for comfort. Megumi frowned as the morning's worries came back to haunt her with a vengeance. Throughout the entire trip, she had the vague feeling that something was about to happen. And it would be sudden and threatening and totally unexpected... Where did that come from? Megumi snapped the twig she was playing around with her fingers with an audible snap. She took a deep breath and turned to Ichiro, hoping to distract herself from what was turning out to be a potentially self-destructive train of thought. "Ichiro-san, are there any tourist spots or landmarks nearby?" From the corner of her eye, she saw Kenshin take a seat beside Kaoru. She promised herself to ask him later if he heard what they--she and Kaoru--got an earful of last night. She wondered if Kaoru had already told him but the girl had not mentioned the incident again to Megumi. Maybe Kaoru had already forgotten all about it and Megumi berated herself for not doing the same. The fact that, unlike Kaoru, she had also been treated to enough cold to guarantee her pneumonia for the entire year was a moot point. There was nothing to it. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Just some guy calling for his pet...Megumi didn't know why but she was beginning to find that line of reasoning almost--ridiculous. As well it might, she thought as she forced herself to listen to Ichiro who was expounding on forests, hot springs, old houses... Old houses? "There are a lot of them actually," he was saying. "Prominent family seats. Most of them are quite large and very well- maintained. The owners don't really live theren anymore, however. But family members usually spend their summers here. Famous people, I guess," he continued with a shrug. "Those families trace their roots to this place to gods know how many centuries. Most of 'em have lived here forever." "And Shizuku-san's family?" Kenshin asked him. "Them especially," Ichiro answered with a tug at his mustache. "I don't know that much about the house itself except that it burned to the ground a long time ago and was later rebuilt. But I've already told Megumi-san about that," he said, gesturing at the latter. "No ghosts?" Yahiko asked. Ichiro smiled at him. "None that I know of, Yahiko-kun. Of course the place *is* very old but it's always been quiet as far as I know. No stories, if you know what I mean. But there were rumors..." his voice drifted off reflectively. He sighed. "But I can't recall anything right now." He patted Yahiko on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it." Sano snorted, "I really don't think he is worried, Ichiro-san. If anything, he's disapointed." Ichiro laughed. " Is that so? I'm sorry, Yahiko-kun. ghosts. Maybe there are some in the old houses nearby, though. Some of them have *very* colorful histories..." "And the Shizukus have none?" Kenshin asked interestedly. Ichiro shrugged. "As I said earlier, they've always been a very respectable and conservative clan. If something--untoward ever did happen, they kept it under wraps." "Shizuku-san, do you think we could have a look at those houses you were speaking about?" Kaoru asked softly. "Shizuku-san's house is so beautiful...I was wondering what the others looked like, too." "Yes, that will be nice," Megumi agreed. "You women and your houses!" Yahiko groaned. Kenshin laughed. "Now, Yahiko. Be patient. Who knows? You might just encounter your ghost somewhere along the way." Megumi decided that she *will* ignore the distinct feeling of foreboding which crept up her spine at that rejoinder. "You men and your ghosts," she quipped and regretted saying it immediately. Somehow that didn't sound right. "Looking for ghosts in other people's backyard..." "When your own house is full of 'em already..." Kaoru murmured. Megumi stared at her, definitely feeling sick now. *That* sounded even worse. End of Part 2 NOTES: This is a set-the-stage chapter so I hope you'll forgive the relative lack of activity and coherence in this part ^^;; Besides, I've run out of things to say and it's 2:00 A.M. and I'm thinking that if I don't stop, I might just ramble on and spook myself, too ^__^; But a lot more will happen next chapter. Definitely ^__^ Kaoru gets a most unpleasant surprise, Kenshin an *un*healthy scare and Megumi another losing bout with her paranoia. Thanks! 2:24 AM 4/15/99